Sunday, January 24, 2010


So, here we are January 30, 2010. A new year, a new beginning. Finding new things to inspire you and your crafts for the new year. I was reading a friends blog "Life's Little Journey" and I was inspired by her inspiration about finding inspiration in store catalogs, hers was in Pottery Barn (her blog is totally worth checking out.) And it got me thinking. I know very scary, I promise not to hurt myself.
Were do I find my inspiration? I find it in many different places, things, and in people I have never met. Here is an example, I love the Ikea catalog for cool ways to store all of my craft items. This rolling metal drawer cabinet is awesome to store my tools and embellishments. I have two of them one for all of my tools and one for all of my embellishments. It is great to store magnets on. I have a magnet board in my office scrap room and I make the magnets for it, and i have a bunch that haven't been made so I store them on the side, perfect.

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